0.4 Release Announcement

Let’s Get Started with Jeffrey App

Today, I’m happy to announce the 0.4 release of Jeffrey App - Jeffrey App. There is a new cool feature, let’s have a look at it!

Start the jar file using the following command:

java -jar jeffrey.jar

or you can spin up docker container with the following command, and check predefined examples.

docker run -it -p 8585:8585 petrbouda/jeffrey-examples:0.4

Open the browser: http://localhost:8585

New Features

Support for the latest Async-Profiler - Native Memory Leaks Profiling

The latest versions of Async-Profiler (Nightly builds) bring a support for the Native Memory Leaks profiling. In a nutshell, it records Malloc and Free (+ their addresses) events and then Jeffrey is able to find which Malloc events have no corresponding Free events.


  • use Jeffrey-examples docker image above to try the new feature
  • enter to jeffrey-persons-native-allocation-samples profile and navigate to predefined flamegraphs: Flamegraphs -> Primary
  • there is a new option: Only Allocations with Unsafe, it takes into account only samples that are allocated using Unsafe
  • opt out the option if you want to see all Malloc allocations, or all Malloc allocations without corresponding Free events

Multi-platform release of Docker Images

We finally support ARM-based platform for docker images as well, you can enjoy Jeffrey on your Mac Silicon.

The last few words

I hope you will enjoy the new features and improvements. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me :)